with the application for LED Display in Stadiums, the Multi-functional
modern stadiums can not only be used for holding all kinds of sports but
also for holding all kinds of large-scale cultural activities and
meetings and so on, thus the led display in stadiums should support
various and real time contents. See details as below:
1. Demands for broadcasting live video images
sports meetings, cultural and artistic performances, large scale
activities hold in the stadiums can be live broadcasted via LED display, and it should support panorama, close-up, slow motion, flash beating, drag image, nostalgic movies and other special effects.
2. Demands for multiple input methods compatibility
stadium led display can not only do true color real-time live show, but
also broadcast TV and satellite TV programs, play VCD, DVD, LD and
other homemade video signal programs, support PAL, NTSC and other
variety of formats. The display contents can also be a variety of
graphic information on the computer or from the internal information
network of the stadium or all kinds of information from public
information network. The display should be able to superimpose text
information on the TV program, and overlay text, images, animation and
other functions on the outside of the video images and be able to play
relevant background pictures for cultural and artistic performances and
large gatherings.
3. Demands for playing various graphics and text information
The stadium led display
on the one hand can be sued to live broadcast video images, on the
other hand can be used for playing important news, notices and slogans.
The display can display texts, images, animations and so on, and have
function to simultaneously play pictures and texts that has different
4. Demands for a variety of broadcast methods.
stadium display should have translation, scroll, rotate, wipe, pull
screen, single/multiple line up/down, left/right, up/down, flip, move,
rotate, narrow, amplification, flicker, open window and other functions.
The display should be compatible for international languages, such as
Chinese, English, numbers and all other words, and have various fonts
choice and the words can be stepless zooming.
5. Demands for advertising spots and display mode
the full color stadium display is the most attractive display media in a
stadium, it’s inevitable to the first promotion choice of enterprises.
Thus, the display design should take sufficient consideration of the
display contents of different merchants and make sure the display can
spot corporate advertising quickly and conveniently so as to meet
customers demands.
6. Demands for broadcast the sports information and sports scores
basic function of stadium display is to broadcast the sports
information and sports scores, so that the operating requirements for
different sports should be considered when design the stadium display.
The display should be able to broadcast the sports information, such as
basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, weightlifting and
gymnastics and other sports information. When broadcast the sport
scores, country name, team name, sportsman and his number and scores
should be included. During the match it can display all kinds of real
time information such as the team name, scores, goal athlete, change
person, being punished athlete’s name, number and being punished times
and so on.
7. Demands for playing clock
another important function of the stadium display is clock display
function. The function includes playing Beijing time, the game clock and
countdown time. It can set different game clocks according to the
competition events and referee rules and conveniently control the pause,
reset, fast and slow and so on.
8. Demands for audio synchronous broadcastThe stadium display should have audio interface to connect the sound equipments in the stadium so as the perform audio and video synchronization function.
Besides, because the stadium games and events are held during day time or under strong light condition, the stadium display should have high brightness to get clearly visible effect in strong light condition.
Because the stadium display has large volume and is fixed with plenty cables, and due to the possible moist, raining and scorching weather in the installation site, it’s impossible to do special preserving method for it. Thus, in order to maintain stable and reliable usage of the display, the moisture proof, anticorrosive and good heat emission measures should be considered during the design and construction of the led display, and dust proof measure should be done at the same time.